Kitten Adoption Process
We have made the adoption process for Maine Coon kittens very simple. Below you will find three easy steps to adpot one of these adorable, loving Maine Coon kittens. Here you will also find what food, litter, and other essential items we personally recommend.

Step 1: Join the Waitlist
If you want to take home one of our phenomenal Maine Coon kittens, we highly suggest joining our waitlist. This guarantees you will have the opportunity to reserve a Mythic Maine Coons kitten. You will be able to view and select your kitten before they are made available to the public. The fee to join is $250, nonrefundable, and goes toward the total price of the kitten. We do offer a priority waitlist for those planning to adopt a sibling pair of our phenomenal kittens. Those on this list will receive the opportunity to select their kittens before the regular waitlist. The fee to join is $500, nonrefundable, and goes toward the total price of the kittens. The order of our waitlists are determined by the order that adopting families joined.

Step 2: Reserve Your Kitten
Once any Maine Coon kittens become available, we will reach out to those on the waitlist in the proper order. We will only allow those not on the waitlist to reserve a Mythic Maine Coons kitten after checking with everyone on the waitlist to see if they would like to reserve said available kitten. The fee to reserve a kitten is $1,000. This amount is nonrefundable and will go towards the total price of the kitten. We do not hold kittens without a deposit. Reservation Forms sent for the same kitten will be considered based on which arrived first. Once an adopting family is aproved for reservation and the deposit has been recieved, we will send our Mythic Maine Coons Kitten Contract to be signed and scanned back to us.

Step 3: Pick Up Your Kitten
Once your kitten is reserved, we will schedule a time for pick-up. When selecting your kitten, if you are picking up in person, make sure you will be able to pick up your kitten within 7 days of their listed "Go Home Date". If you have chosen to have your kitten delivered personally by us via in-cabin flight, a date will be scheduled pending ticket costs and our schedule. We do not hold reserved kittens past their scheduled Go Home Dates. If you fail to arrive or cancel your scheduled pickup, your reservation and deposit will be forfeit. The kitten will then be offered to the public. Your kitten will come with their signed contract, medical records, pedigree, certificate of registration, carrier and a starter bag of kitten food.

Kitten Necessities
Food - At Mythic Maine Coons, we feed a diet of Royal Canin Mother & Baby Cat Wet and Dry Food to all of our Cats and Kittens. We also keep Royal Canin kitten food out in the house so the kittens are used to eating it before they go home. At in person pick up, we will send you with a special Royal Canin Feeding Kit that we have the ability to purchase because we are partnered with them. It comes with a sealed bag 12oz of Royal Canin kitten dry food, a measuring cup, a health guide, and a sturdy Royal Canin Tote bag. We will also give you a couple cans of Royal Canin Mother & Baby Cat Wet Food.
Supplements - We give all of our cats and kittens NuVet Plus Feline Powder. We are also partnered with them which alows us to provide our kitten owners with a code that will allow them to purchase these high quality supplements. Our code is 680685. It is necessary in order to place an order. NuVet Labs has been making the finest nutritional pet supplements since 1997 and all their supplements are made with high quality, human grade ingredients. All of their products are made in a FDA-registered lab.
Dishes - We keep dry food and water in Insulated Stainless Steel Dog Bowls. You can find them at Petsmart or Petco or online. However, we keep wet food in smaller, shallow dishes called Our Pets DuraPet Stainless Steel Non-Slip Cat Food Bowls. This makes it easier for your Maine Coon kitten to eat all of their food. Water must be changed out daily. Your Maine Coon kitten must always have access to clean water.
Location - Your Maine Coon kitten's food and water should be located far away from their litter box(s). Cats do not like to drink or eat where they go to the bathroom (for that matter, neither do humans). We suggest putting the food and water bowls in separate locations as well. This will prevent a lot of food from ending up in your kitten's water bowl.

We use the Purina Tidy Cats Breeze Litter System. We suggest the XL size as our Maine Coon kittens grow to be XL. The system is comprised of the box, litter pellets, pads, and scooper. You can usually find it in Amazon, Petsmart, Petco, and many other pet stores. We have used many litter systems, and we believe this one is truly the best for several reasons. They're also available on Amazon here.
- There is no dust. Pellets do not create dust like clumping litter does.
- There is less clean-up. With clay and clumping litter, there is often a lot of litter that escapes the box when the cat jumps out.
- Better knowledge of the urinary health of your Maine Coon kitten. There is a seperate compartment underneath with a pad that the urine falls to. By giving us a beter idea of the amount and color of the urine, it allows us to keep a better eye on the urinary health of our cats and kittens.
Pellets - Pellets can also usually be found at Petco, Petsmart, and many other pet stores. They can also be found on Amazon.
Pads - The pads are also available at Petco, Petsmart, and other pet stores. They can also be found on Amazon.

Other items
Brushes and Combs - We have 3 main suggestions when it comes to brushes and combs.
- Greyhound Dog Comb - This is the best comb we have come across for Maine Coons and Maine Coon kittens. We find that running a comb through our Maine Coons' entire coat once a day with this comb eliminates the pressence of matts.
- Slicker Brush - this is a great tool for when your Maine Coon is shedding a lot. The tips can be a little prickly on some types, so use a light touch and don't use it where the fur is thin (around the face or on the legs). Do not use the slicker on the tail EVER. It is not necessary. It will pull out way too much hair.
- Mini Slicker with balled tips - This kind of brush isn't prickly and is smaller in size. It's very useful for brushing around the face, chin, and the inside of the legs.
Cat Trees and Scratching Posts - We highly suggest purchasing at least one cat tree with a scratching post. While Mythic Maine coons kittens are taught not to scratch on furniture, you, as the owner, may need to continue to redirect them to the scratching post. They are kittens and need stimulation. Also, having a high place for your Maine Coon kitten to climb to is great if you have any dogs or young children. Despite our Maine Coon kittens being very accustomed and socialized to dogs and children, it's still a good idea to provide them with a high, safe space to get away when they choose.
Toys - You will also need toys for your Maine Coon kitten. Some examples are a laser, toy mice, crinkly balls, and chaser string toys. All of these can be found at your local pet store.